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G Chrome

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:21 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
Well, Many of you know that Chrome has come out, but what of the implications of it?

From what I have read, Chrome makes better use of memory and all that.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:25 pm
by orb360
And has amazing javascript debugging tools...

and CSS / HTML tools...

For development it's gonna be SOO nice...

As far as for every day browsing, I don't think it's to the point where it will replace my Firefox.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:27 pm
by yellow m&m
I don't know if it'll change everything overnight (getting market share will be hard, especially if it takes over an hour to download the thing). But I think it's quite innovative. A new way of looking at things. Features that are quite nice. Hopefully it will have more people thinking outside the box with other applications, web-based or not.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:20 am
by Laser Jock
yellow m&m wrote:I don't know if it'll change everything overnight (getting market share will be hard, especially if it takes over an hour to download the thing). But I think it's quite innovative. A new way of looking at things. Features that are quite nice. Hopefully it will have more people thinking outside the box with other applications, web-based or not.
I agree with you; I see it as being valuable mainly for offering more competition. I'm going to be trying it out; I don't see it replacing Firefox for me anytime soon, but I'll see what I think. It shouldn't take over an hour to download, though. The whole thing is about 8 MB, and it took me something like two minutes (from home) to download.

One thing I think is nice is the fact that each tab is a separate process; this means that if one web site misbehaves and crashes the browser, you can close that tab and the others will still be running just fine. It also "sandboxes" the tabs, limiting the access they can have to your computer, which is another feature I like.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:26 am
by xkcd ***
Bummer... Just like that stupid Smart Pen, it's not ready for Mac.

So, what are the pluses of FireFox compared to Safari?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:57 am
by orb360
Between firefox and safari I'd call a toss up depending on which you like best.

Aside from the few differences between gecko and webkit, it's just different feature set.

And they both run multiplatform so you can even run them on windows if you wanted...

Personally, firefox has never tried to push software onto my system like Apple, so I tend to trust them better (Apple's updater stealth installs safari on windows systems... YUCK)

Re: G Chrome

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:11 am
by Laser Jock
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:From what I have read, Chrome makes better use of memory and all that.
It actually makes terrible use of memory; see this article. It even out-bloats Internet Explorer 8 (beta), which is really saying something. (It sacrifices memory and launches more threads in order to enhance stability, but this also means you need a reasonably good system to handle the load.)

I agree with orb360 about Apple's incredible underhandedness in trying to sneak Safari onto computers running its updater, when all the users really wanted was the newest iTunes or whatever. I really can't overemphasize my disgust with Apple for that. Apple fans tend to dislike Microsoft, but no one matches Apple's audacity and overall arrogance, not to mention their closedness and monopolistic tendencies.

Safari does some things really well (its JavaScript performance is quite good, for instance), but that move by Apple will keep me from trying it for some time to come. With that said, I've used Safari on Macs from time to time, and I don't see anything that makes me want to switch from Firefox.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:21 am
by Laser Jock
Oh, and also--though it theoretically should be very difficult to crash the whole browser (since each tab is independent), try typing :% into the address bar. The whole thing (all tabs) crashes instantly as soon as you get those two characters in there together. Granted, it's a beta, but still--that's kind of funny, and it's obvious it isn't as simple to make stable as people are saying.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:54 am
by yellow m&m
Laser Jock wrote: It shouldn't take over an hour to download, though. The whole thing is about 8 MB, and it took me something like two minutes (from home) to download.
Well all the times that I've tried to download it (on campus and at home) it's taken forever, and I eventually quit it and restart, only to get frustrated and just reboot into OSX (I'm not the biggest fan of XP anymore). Maybe it just doesn't like my computer.

Re: G Chrome

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:57 am
by orb360
Laser Jock wrote:
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:From what I have read, Chrome makes better use of memory and all that.
It actually makes terrible use of memory; see this article. It even out-bloats Internet Explorer 8 (beta), which is really saying something. (It sacrifices memory and launches more threads in order to enhance stability, but this also means you need a reasonably good system to handle the load.)
Assuming you have a system that can handle it though... It is quite blazingly fast.

It also has a ridiculous amount of easter eggs...

e.g. navigate to "about:internets"

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:15 am
by bismark
google already has all of my mail, searches, and chat logs. do i really want to give them everything i do on the internet so they can advertise to me better?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:19 am
by orb360
bismark wrote:google already has all of my mail, searches, and chat logs. do i really want to give them everything i do on the internet so they can advertise to me better?
Sometimes I think the internet doesn't know me well enough...

They keep advertising True and eHarmony when they should be advertising Fable 2 and SPORE...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:22 am
by Nanti-SARRMM
orb360 wrote:
bismark wrote:google already has all of my mail, searches, and chat logs. do i really want to give them everything i do on the internet so they can advertise to me better?
Sometimes I think the internet doesn't know me well enough...

They keep advertising True and eHarmony when they should be advertising Fable 2 and SPORE...
They know you didn't get married up at BYUI and thus they want to make up for that.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:51 am
by orb360
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:
orb360 wrote:
bismark wrote:google already has all of my mail, searches, and chat logs. do i really want to give them everything i do on the internet so they can advertise to me better?
Sometimes I think the internet doesn't know me well enough...

They keep advertising True and eHarmony when they should be advertising Fable 2 and SPORE...
They know you didn't get married up at BYUI and thus they want to make up for that.
I don't believe in online dating services. I think they are really creepy and the people on them are too desperate.

I'm perfectly capable of finding and asking girls out on my own.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:57 am
by Nanti-SARRMM
orb360 wrote: I don't believe in online dating services.
Oh, but they believe in you Orb. They believe in you, and can maybe use Chrome to find girls who like Fable 2 and Spore. ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:59 am
by orb360
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:
orb360 wrote: I don't believe in online dating services.
Oh, but they believe in you Orb. They believe in you, and can maybe use Chrome to find girls who like Fable 2 and Spore. ;)
Ok, you're totally weirding me out now dude...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:32 pm
by Giovanni Schwartz
orb360 wrote:
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:
orb360 wrote: Sometimes I think the internet doesn't know me well enough...

They keep advertising True and eHarmony when they should be advertising Fable 2 and SPORE...
They know you didn't get married up at BYUI and thus they want to make up for that.
I don't believe in online dating services. I think they are really creepy and the people on them are too desperate.

I'm perfectly capable of finding and asking girls out on my own.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:53 pm
by orb360
oh, be quiet...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:58 pm
by Nanti-SARRMM
orb360 wrote:
Nanti-SARRMM wrote:
orb360 wrote: I don't believe in online dating services.
Oh, but they believe in you Orb. They believe in you, and can maybe use Chrome to find girls who like Fable 2 and Spore. ;)
Ok, you're totally weirding me out now dude...
It's because there is a difference in believing in them, and believing that they work (or lack of belief of their functionality). :P
And if they didn't believe in you, then you wouldn't be getting those ads, so they believe that some day you'll stoop low enough to use their services. And if they get chrome to work in their favor, soon enough you will be seeing ads about meeting single female gamers who like Spore, Fable 2 or other stuff.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:59 pm
by Fredjikrang
And you see why there were complaints about threads going off topic?

I personally don't see what the big deal is with Chrome. It is just another webkit browser, of which there are many.